miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

Story writing

The students of complementaria had the task of writing a story using the the cards given in red ink. After learning the verbs in past participle and some linking words they organized this funny story. They worked in team having a laugh and a good result. The students enjoyed and expressed the satisfaction of learning. The story hasn't got a title yet. What impressed me about the result of this activity was the ease that the student showed to create the story with just a little knowledge. Even better the students has the goal to improve it.

The story:

"They sang, danced and drank in the party. We visited the museum; read, wrote, studied and spoke about the history, also drove to the restaurant and took the menu but we did not look at the prices. Next we ate and thought  to run. At the end we had time to play and made cookies"

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