viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Who is the burglar?

These are contabilidad y finanzas students from Socorro playing a conversational game called "who is the burglar", where they have to find a suspect based on some pieces of evidence through interviewing each other and taking notes  Images and text by Willy Paul Johnny Wandurraga.

writing and speaking game

These are contabilidad y finanzas students from Socorro writing different tenses through a racing game, at the end of the game they had to pronounce correctly the sentence they wrote on the board. Image and Text by Willy Paul Johnny Wandurraga.

clothing game

these are sistemas students from chima playing a clothing game, they were asked to wear regular clothes instead of the uniform that day so we had diversity to play this game. text and image by Willy Paul Johnny Wandurraga

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

My personal presentation project.

This is one of the projects made by the apprentices of  produccion de medios audiovisuales in socorro, where they made a short presentation about their lives. text by Willy Paul Johnny wandurraga, video by Maximiliano Amaya.


These are primera infancia apprentices from Contratacion and Dolly, a completely detachable doll made by them to learn the body parts.  Image and text by Willy Paul Johnny Wandurraga.

How to learn English through a collage?

The students are learning how to learn English in  different stages of their learning process by pronouncing loose vowels and sounds after they start learning the ABC´s, verb To Be, action verbs, numbers, phrases, regular and irregular verbs, small sentences, memorization, visualization, etc.. Text and image by George Joseph Martinez

domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

7- everyday -actions

 Students from TN. ENFERMERIA, Oiba have been working in the making of auidovisual rescources as a fun way to learn how to express daily routines along with music and lyrics. 

Key-words: days of the week, daily routines, action verbs.