martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

Aprendices de gestion empresarial ficha 431562 a cargo del Instructor George Martinez ,haciendo un collage acerca de phrases en una forma de poder visualizar y retener fotos y frases para poder recordar y estar capacitado para poder hacer oraciones.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Students of Enfermeria in Oiba town, enjoy doing a beautiful Valentine’s card to one of their friends. The purpose is to receive English instructions and give to someone the card. Students brought all the material and we share lovely messages. Nice! 

Photo and text by: Lily Rojas

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013


During this listening comprehension exercise students were exposed to different people from around the world introducing themselves. They said common personal information such as: name, last name, age, country and finally their jobs.

Afterwards each learner was given a dissimilar role-play card containing a person with a different job and nationality. Students were supposed to say some personal information as if they were the people from those cards.

Learners were recorded then to self-evaluate in terms of pronunciation and fluency.

Play your name!

From the first week of classes, students play some sort of games meant to identify basic vocabulary in English. Didactic games are fun and serve a dual purpose in developing language and coordination skills in learners. En la imagen, grupo de aprendices de la Tecnología en diseño para la comunicación gráfica. Socorro, Santander ¬ Centro Agroturístico.

Time to act!

Salud Ocupacional INPEC

Time to act. Believe it or not one of the first issues to learn a language is the frighten to make a mistake or sound ridiculous, so with "Salud Ocupacional" students we decided to act; by using the Greetings the students had fun in front of the camera, losing their shyness and get used to it