domingo, 15 de junio de 2014


This time students from "Produccion de Medios Audiovisuales" had the opportunity to show their singing skills while practicing English. Each one picked out a song of their preference and performed it for the class. This was a chance to relax and get more confidence with pronunciation.We have got some good talents here.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Let's keep on rolling

Students of Gestion Empresarial at Paramo were eager to start filming their performance showing their own client service skills, before doing so they had to create their own dialogue showing why colombia is internationally acknowledged by its kindness and excellent client service. After that, they had to practice a lot because they not only were afraid of speaking in public, but of the cameras as well. With proper support from the students of Producción de medios audiovisuales we had a perfect shooting and the results were beyond belief.

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

What to watch?

Student of level 8 are learning about how to make a final product using TICs as a material resource. At the beginning, the purpose is to get engage students in the world of videos, infomercial, documentaries, cooking programs etc. This first shot was a speaking exercise where students were able to speak spontaneously about their favorite TV Show. They drew in a small piece of paper an image that represents his/her favorite TV program. Then, they exposed their feeling, reasons, and they invited people to enjoy their TV programs. Getting nervous when you speaking is normal, but they did a very good job.
By Lily Rojas