jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013


"Tecnologia en gestion hotelera" students take turns to give instructions to the rest of the group. With this activity they build confidence while practicing commands like "raise your right hand", "touch your forehead", "shake your body" etc.    Picture and text by Willy Wandurraga.

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Remembering with creativity

Recalling with creativity, here students observing different flash cards try to remember and create a small sentence, thus the learner through contextualization link the figure and name and then make a short sentence and then memorize and reinforce what they had learn to be able to speak english. Instructor George Martinez


Students from "Ingles Tecnico dirigido al Sector Turístico" working in a project where they had to present safety rules and recommendations for touristic activities, they had to think about safety while rafting, caving, hiking ,etc., organize the ideas, write them down and  present them to the class.

Pictures and text by Dania Camargo

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Why not a genoise cake?

The students of asistencia administrativa from San Gil had the opportunity to "bake" without baking a genoise cake in order to practice some expressions and vocabulary about food... the verbs spread, pour, cut, apply, mix, etc. They received all the instructions in English. It was a great activity where they promoted the value of sharing. Some of them discovered cooking skills... Would you like a slice of it?

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

My heart will go on

Students of Asistencia Administrativa (Socorro) a group around 20 students were doing a singing act. This time two girls sag the song “My heart will go on”. They showed a nice presentation, they introduced themselves and then explained the song workshop. Is it difficult to sing? Yes! But we learn vocabulary and pronunciation of some words. We enjoy and make fun of body expressions!

AA Had fun learning!

Students of Asistencia Administrativa (San Gil) were playing like children in “Tangara ” game. The students were divided in 8 groups and each team has a different topic. The activity led the students to learn “the adjectives”, “verbs”, “human body parts”, “To Be”, “fruit” and “colors”; using common expressions need it in these topics. Everybody enjoyed it and had fun learning.

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

Narrating stories

During this activity learners from DIRECCIÓN DE VENTAS were supposed to write a paragraph in which they had to make use of diverse connectors, adverbs, past forms and past time expressions. This idea was to have cooperative work in which they narrated a story taking into account certain verbs and words given by their teacher.

Students were also taught and asked to use appropriate punctuation marks and writing parameters such as cohesion, coherence, etc. to provide a comprehensible text.   

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013


Accounting and finance group at socorro really enjoy challenging each other, at this time they had to take a glimpse to their vocabulary before heading to the board to write a word, the only condition they had was that the first letter of the word had to be the same of the last. The group with most words would win this challenge and recieve a soda from the loser group.

Outstanding performance and unforgettable moments 

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013


Students from "Contabilidad y Finanzas FENALCO" playing Twister, as an activity to practice the colors and also identify words like left and right. It was a fun game where students learnt and had an opportunity to strech up. We had a really good time. Text and picture by Dania Camargo