jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Minions time!

Contabilidad y finanzas students from San Gil, had the opportunity to enhance and make a paper craft according to Despicable me movie. They lived actions as cut, fold, put, and cut, making a 4D Minion... that was a great chance to make praxis on this topic. They helped themselves in order to accomplished this activity. Well done.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Spelling bee contest

This "warming up" session took place at Chima with the group of "TO. GESTION EMPRESAS AGROPECUARIAS", they are just getting started in interacting with the english language. The group was divided in two, the winner of the spelling bee contest (getting 10 points) would recieve a wonderful reward (Free soda from the loser group).
Hilarious moments, great achievements and gorgeous people.


"Gestion Empresarial" students from Curiti learning about collocations through a competition game where they had to find the right word to use with verbs like: do, go, have, make, take, etc. Text and picture Willy Wandurraga.

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

What's this? It's an Elephant

Students of Contrucción (Berlín), a group of 16 boys were learning about numbers: pronunciation, spelling, math problems, listening and so on. In this activity they were drawing and elephant by join dots. The teacher says a sequence of numbers and the students identify which ones she says in order to make some lines and complete the elephant. Sometimes they were confused about the pronunciation of some numbers like 13, 30, 15, 50 etc. At the end everybody completed the picture! By Lily Rojas

Successful Learning!

Dirección de Ventas students were aware than some people learn a language easier than others. So, regarding those learning differences in the classroom students collected some tips looking forward a successful experience connected to their personal lives. Additionally, Students recognize how important it is to develop the ability of Team-work in order to solve a problem.

miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

The test to remember and memorize

students here from maintenance of computer equipment, try to remember and memorize different phrases in English to be able to engage in short conversations in English and also use these tools to develop a text in English. This way they will perform down the road in their best capacity, write and pronunce diferent texts in English.

Learning while having fun!

During this activity students and I had an amazing time. We played “The secret friend” game. The idea of this was to describe the person you’ve got as the secret friend. Students were supposed to provide as much information as possible about their friends while the rest of the class tried to find out who they were talking about. They also draw a picture on the board highlighting their friends’ main features.  

Shopping time!

Students of Gestión Empresarial (San Gil) went shopping. The classroom was set as a shopping center where the learners were given roles of sellers and customers. Our shopping center offered the following services: a cafeteria, a shoe store, a bakery, a hotel, a stationery shop and an ice cream parlor. The students were divided in 8 groups and each team has a different service. The activity led the students to learn customer service’s vocabulary and manners; using common expressions need it in this topic. 
The students were marked along with their customer service teacher. Everybody enjoyed it and had fun learning.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Nos étudiants ont du talent

En deux séances, les étudiants de la classe de gastronomie ont imaginé et réalisé des Bandes Dessinées, pour démontrer leurs aptitudes et habiletés. Aidés par des outils et ressources en ligne, les apprentis ont imaginé leurs histoires.

«La parabole du fils Prodigue » a été la meilleure de toutes les bandes dessinées réalisées. Cette histoire a été créée par Ciro Alfonso PEÑUELA MELGAREJO et Braulio SANDOVAL HERNÁNDEZ.